速報APP / 生產應用 / Unit Conversion - Just Convert Everythin

Unit Conversion - Just Convert Everythin



檔案大小:15.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Unit Conversion - Just Convert Everything(圖1)-速報App

Ultimate Units Converter app for your devices for daily use!!

Units Converter’s built-in functionality do the perfect work for you and always ready to user in your pocket.

Key Features:

- Incredibly lightweight, fast and easy to use.

- Simple graphic and intuitive interface.

- Real time conversions in one screen.

- Very effective app for unit conversion

- Interactive Button to enter numbers quickly

- Single Unit Picker for easy unit selection

- View type of Units either by list or by forward-backward slides

- Share Converted values

Unit Conversion - Just Convert Everything(圖2)-速報App

Some of the important units categories are:

* Distance

* Mass

* Temperature

* Time

* Angle

* Area

* Computer

* Force

* Power

* Light

Unit Conversion - Just Convert Everything(圖3)-速報App

* Volume

* Pressure

* Velocity

* Acceleration

* Sound

* Density

* Energy

* Speed

* Concentration

* Fuel

* Flow

Unit Conversion - Just Convert Everything(圖4)-速報App

* Currency......

Unit Conversion - Just Convert Everything(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad